Sirkis/Bialas IQ Autumn Tour. The Albany Club in Coventry, UK
Dear Friends,
The Autumn tour brought us this time to Coventry. John Turville has joined us for an usual "good shred" :-). Always pleasure, always fun, great playing and great laugh together!
Let`s go for a trip!
Shades of green slowly giving up on greenness:
Swarms of Autumn - travellers:
The Waze took us on a huge Friday-traffic-detour and we passed the flying island of Laputa ;-):
Remember this one ;-)?
Some serious Konnakol practicing in the car !:
The gloomy part of the Autumn season is approaching:
And here an explosion of rainbow jelly beans in the sky! :
It made me think about one of my favs : Flight of The Concords (I`m a fan :-))) :
Last Autumn flowers in motion:
My good old blog - friends :
The romantic aspects of the nature - "A COMPOSTMASHINE" or literally some "BULL****" :-))) :
Gosh, sometimes I`m catching myself on laughing while writing this blog. Please forgive me my edgy polish humor :-DDD! Just couldn`t stop myself...
The entrance to Coventry was kept in the "cow-mode". This Polish shop is called "Little Cow" :-), well, why not - after all those "King`s Arms", "The Mouths", "Eve and The Lambs", etc. ;-) - a Little Polish Cow in the middle of Coventry - I like it :-):
Some nice graphics on the buildings:
It got dark pretty fast...But the stars in the Sowiet - Union - style :-) lit up the streets!:
Entrance to the Albany club with a black "Dementor - Umbrella" :-) on the front - as you can see I immediately applied the "Expecto patronum" - it worked. :
The Albany Club is a big venue with a stage for the band. Here some impressions:
Pictures from the soundcheck:
The promoter of the club is the nicest person. We felt welcomed and taken care of...
Homy vibes on stage, thanks for the nice lamps :-)!
The entire staff was warm and friendly. Nice food for us:
and an opportunity to choose ANY color of the light on stage - I went for red with a special: The Jewish Sinagogue flair, only for Asaf ;-) - we had to laugh so badly:
Alien presence on stage... First the music stands got invaded,
then an artificial intelligence took the control over Kevin!!! :
It wouldn`t be a Sirkis/Bialas IQ blog without Kevin`s famous "faces"! hahahahhh
Now a Quizzzz: what can make Asaf Sirkis THAT happy? :
The Answer : Those killer - beauties freshly from Istanbul - what a fun to listen to theit sound!
Here some real magic... John on another planet...I could swear to see a daisy or a daffodil blooming out of his soul/head :-):
I think Asaf saw it too! hahah :
The gig was great. The sound, the audience, the venue, the promoter - what a fun to play when everything is right!!! The most precious thing was to hear some warm words of appreciation from the audience that never listened to Jazz before. All in all - a great evening and loads of fun for everybody...
Here myself - this time in front of the camera :
Time to leave Coventry and THE ALBANY CLUB! Thank you for having us and we`re looking forward to come back here!!! Thank you also for your effort and great work invested in running this venue. We appreciate it a lot !
Dear Friends, please spread the word about this place - it is a great one to visit if you want to listen to some good live music!
This one is so tipical : me after the gig - tired but happy, with a weary hair style, sitting on stage among the packed gear and waterbottles, blinded by the spot - lights and ready to sleep...:-))))
Let`s go back on the road and drive back home...Bye John, always a pleasure to play together!!!
This gig will be tattooed in our memories!
Passing the viby blairwitch-project-landscapes on M1 we saw a group of wild "Ls", @s and a mexican cactus running in our direction. Then some fluorescent birds appeared above the road. Good that Asaf is such an experienced driver ...;-)
We`ve brought Kevin to the Luton Station and hugged him good bye. He then turned into a night mist and disappeared in the darkness of the Luton Station swallowed by a train ;-)
Good night also to you, dear friends! Our Quartet is preparing for a new recording and a huge tour in the Spring. I`m gonna update you with all the news. Thank you for travelling with us and see you soon!
Much love,
Sylwia & the Sirkis/Bialas IQ