Sirkis/Bialas IQ, Summer Tour, Aberjazz Festival (Pepper`s Bar at the Art Centre), Fishguard, UK
Dear Friends,
This tour blog will be about discovering a mini Stonehenge, an encounter with a good Finnish Witch ;-) and her distinguished and prominent doggy named - Toby, about happy coincidencies, crazy street parades and levitating cars :-). Have fun reading!
"Highway to Fishguard" :-):
We were heading to Fishguard to give a rhythm workshop at the local theatre and play a gig at Papper`s in the evening. W`ve experienced loads of adventures on the way to the next venue.
Some raw landscapes reminded me my trip to Iceland...
Before the tour we`ve brought our van to the auto mechanic for an annual check. On the road to Fishguard there was some strange noise coming from underneath the car. We were not able to locate the noise until a passing cyclist gave us a sign that something is hanging underneath the car. We stopped the van by the road and found a piece of rubber protecting the engine that wasn`t properly secured and now was hanging down almost touching the ground. It was not possible to fix it on the road so we decided to keep driving and hoping that nothing bad happens...
Of course even an incident like that can be a nice opportunity to enjoy the lush Welsh nature :-).
Clouds trapped in our van:
We got to Fishguard without problems but couldn`t find the venue immediately which caused a little detour through the center of the city. Fortunately this detour brought us straight to the one & only exhausts servicing in town :-).
Best thing about the situation was the fact, that the guys from the Garage were truly wonderful people. They brought our van inside of the workshop 5 minutes before closing their services, lifted it up almost to the ceiling (including our entire crew and gear on board), fixed the hanging rubber in a few minutes and didn`t want to accept from us even a penny for the repair. We gave our saviours some of our energy-bars for their coffee break ;-))) and left the garage very happy and calmed. It was amazing how everything worked out so smoothly and how we had enough time to get our gear to the venue, drop Frank and Kev at the hotel and get together with Asaf to the local Theatre where Asaf and I were going to give a workshop...Weeey heeeyyy.
Her some views from our levitating van :-)
Adverts of the Jazz Fest were to see all over the town.
On the way to the Theatre Gwaun, we got surprised by a crazy, colorful street parade!
Klick on the video below to get some vibe ;-):
The rhythm workshop at the Theatre Gwaun went great and was fun! The participants were international and very enthusiastic. We were very happy to see them again in the evening at our gig.
Pictures from the Theatre:
After the workshop we hat a little time to move to the venue where Frank and Kev waited for us allready. Pepper`s is a small and cosy venue belonging to the art`s centre. The staff is very friendly and helpful and their kitchen absolutely delicious.
Here some pics from the Pepper`s:
Our gig was sold out and the students from our workshop made the atmosphere even warmer and very enjoyable. Doors behind the stage were widely open and some wind and sunshine came in while we were playing...
During the concert I spotted two smiling eyes and a soft wrinkled face at the back of the room, listening very carefully to our music and smiling constantly... They belonged to an older lady from Finnland, who as it turned out later, was the owner of our Hotel in Fishguard.
After the gig we had a tasty dinner at the terrace in the backyard of the venue.
We enjoyed very much the art works from the Gallery and our green room:
My favorite art corner:
It was a good and truly succesful day and we`ve earned a proper Rest before heading to the next venue...
Our hotel was a very warm, charming and cutely chaotic place, not only because the ambience, but because of it`s Finnish owner and her smart, cuddly & prominent ;-) dog named Toby :
This is our good Finnish Witch taking care that we ate enough at the breakfast ("Good Boy -Frank!" ;-) ) and telling us some nicely wicked stories from her past.
On the pic held by our Lady : Toby & Toffie chilling out after a long walk :-)
This is Toby ;-)
Obviously irresistable ;-):
Nice breakfast at the Cartref:
On the way to fetch our van from the parking place me and Asaf have discovered an ancient mini Stonehenge just at the best panoramic point of the city.
Good Bye Fishguard! Good bye Good Finnish Witch! Good bye Toby! Hope to see you soon again! ;-)
Next direction : Llanelli. See you there :-)!
Much love,