Dear Peeps,
Another gig from our Spring Tour is behind us. We played in Farnham Maltings. What a day it was...Phew! Loads of happenings - some very good, some very challenging. Se la vie!
This time we featured the great Ivo Neame on the keys! A beautiful musician and human being.
And here he is! Tuxedo style with hands full of keys :-) :
Soooooo - let`s go together for a trip to Farnham!
The weather was grayish and the landscapes sleepy... My stubborn bad cold still gives me some really hard time. Can`t wait for the Doctor Stage to sort it out ;-)...
Till then some ultrabitter Chinese teas :-)
and as much rest as possible...
No difference between up and down by this weather...
Friday afternoon traffic:
Before the gig we had to pick up Kevin from the Heathrow Airport. Ivo drove to Farnham on his own with the whole artillery of keyboards!
On the way to Farnham we passed some funky lorries. Here one of those:
and a group of proud British bikers spreading themselves on the highway - go boyzzz!
I promised Kev some UNHEALTHY CAKE, so I had to bake some ;-)
And some healthy power bars from our epic dehydrator (not for Kevin!- too healthy) :
It was already getting dark when we got to the Venue:
The building from outside:
The "redbrickedentrancedoor"...
Here a text about Farnham Maltings cut from their website :
" Farnham Maltings is a cultural organisation, based in south west Surrey, that exists to encourage the people of Farnham and further afield to participate in, shape and understand the world in which we live. We believe that by being actively creative, connecting with others and articulating new ideas we will foster a happier, healthier and more inclusive set of communities."
Well, this sounds promissing...
The weather was frosty, obviously also inside:
"An Aquarium For Drummers" or "Asaf uplifted" :-):
There`s no IQ blog without Kevin`s famous FACE - :-D
We got to the venue pretty early in order to set up the gear. There were many events happening in the House and everybody was very busy, so we took care of ourselves quietly and just went with the stream finding our gig room and making the soundcheck on our own....
Ivo Arrived a bit later with some concerning news about his wife that had to go to hospital this evening. It is tough to play a gig worrying about someone... Also those things belong to our musician-lives on the road...
Setting up of the gear and our soundcheck :
During soundcheck there was a movie presentation trial running in the same room and I couldn`t ignore the hilarious interaction happening between Ivo setting up and fixing his keys and the situation on the screen :
featuring Siegfried, the mysterious man on the screen!
Sigfried in the orange abbyss of his existence...
And so the story goes...
Cable - salad, Kabelsalat or Insalata Cablese ;-))) A nice expression to describe some chaos on the floor before the gig.
Asaf being serious :-)
Kevin vanishing in the vibration of his low tones...It was hard to capture him at all! :-)
Asaf got caught into it too!
It`s great to have fun and laugh together and it is very easy with those guys, but then we had to face the bitter part of this evening... Before we started playing the first set, Ivo wanted to grab his bag, laying all the time close to his keyboard and go to the green room as he realized that the bag is gone! The wallet and the car keys were inside of the bag (!)...Firstly we thought that maybe somebody took it to the green room with all our gear cases and clothes but after more than one hour of searching up every nook of the venue and not finding it and considering the fact that Ivo and the rest of us didn`t move the bag and remembered it lying on the floor till shortly before the gig - we had to accept the bitterness of the fact that somebody has stolen it...aaaarrrghhhhh.....
Ivo had to start the gig with his head full of worries but again:
helped immediately and we all enjoyed a lot playing the gig together!!!
Those moments when music, when magic happens are so precious...After long driving, schlepping the equipment, dealing with hardships and tiredness everybody suddenly docks in and forgets everything ... Performing music makes you "cleanse" your soul and express yourself in a very direct way...I guess we all really love and need that very much...
The audience enjoyed the gig - we got some very warm and positive feedback...
Time to set off and to deal with the situation...
Luckily our van was big enough to carry the four of us and Ivo`s complete equipment so we all could drive home directly after the gig...
Some Golden Explosion ;-) on the way back:
We brought Kev to the train station in Guilford,
where he had to exercise a 3 min run to get the last train to London! Fortunately everything went well :-)
Go Kevin GO!
In the meantime I was able to capture some fog, rain and light spectacle happening on the window surface of our van :-):
Back on the rainy highway...
Meteorite - rain :
Light - Constellations:
polkadots and moonbeams
Chiaroscuro, rain, trees, colors and restrictions! :
Close encounter with a dragon:
A bunch of swans:
After some time on the highway we got to the hospital to pick the keys from Maya (Ivo`s Wife),
then we drove to Ivo`s place to drop off the gear and back to the hospital again, so him and Maya could finally be together... What a night for those Two... We`re sending you love and good energy, guys! Maya, get well soon !!!
Ivo, thank you so much for playing with us - we had loads of fun together XXX
Let`s drive home! :-)
When you drive at night, sometimes you start to see strange things ;-):
We (Asaf and myself) got pretty tired so seeing this suggestive sign we decided to deliver a proper ass-dance in the car ;-D :
It always helps to wake up!
Here we go everybody - ahahaahhh!:
But moderately - seriously - with this optimistic accent after unloading the car we fell into our beds like stones that were not capable to roll any more...:-)
Time to say GOOD NIGHT / GOOD MORNING and send you all loads of love!
And : Dear tief from Farnham, may your karma bring you what you`re asking for.
Bye everybody! See you soon in Southampton! XXXXXXX
In the meantime me and Asaf will run some workshops...
here our Tour Again: